Friday, May 15, 2009

Europe Trip - Day 8 *London*

Day 8, 24 Nov 2008

Today, it's my birthday :D This is really a special one as I'm celebrating it in London. Too bad HY was not with me in this trip, else it would be perfect. I used to have another unforgettable birthday celebration in Korea 2 years ago. When I woke up in the morning, I was indeed very happy to see all the SMS for the birthday wishes.

The sky was kind of dark, and rained a little. Since it was winter, I think there's not much high hope for a good clear weather. We left very early in the morning to Buckingham Palace. Using the Underground was very convenient and simple. So we reached the destination without hassle.

Buckingham Palace

Then, we walked across the main road to a huge park, St Jame's Park. This was a relaxing places with all the birds and trees.

St Jame's Park

We also witnessed the Guard Changing Ceremony at Westminster, not far away from St Jame's Park. But one undeniable truth, those horses stink!!!!!

Guard Changing Ceremony

As seen in the picture above, there was a doorway to get to the back of this building. So when the ceremony was done, we followed the doorway to the other side. There were guards riding on the black horses beside the door, and we could take picture with them. But there was a funny warning sign: The Horse Kicks!!

Then, I saw this Double Decker bus opposite the road.

We continued walking to Victoria Embankment, and took picture with the London Eye. I always fantasize a lot to have a romantic ride on the London Eye. But in the end I didnt, haha! Guess it would be a waste of money if I ride it with AL.

London Eye

It was about noon time, so we decided to move our ass to Leicester Square for lunch. When we arrived, we were busy surveying the tickets for some musicals, as AL planned to watch Mama Mia, while I'm in love with Phantom of the Opera. We also bought some souvenirs from the famous souvenir provider, Crest of London. Since we bought the London Pass, so we could get a Paddington Bear for free :)

Then, I waited for HM outside Vue Cinema, as she was here with us for lunch. She surprised me with a dozen of yellow roses as my birthday gift, how lovely!!

HM suggested going to China Town, and we agreed. Since the ala carte order with drinks would cost about 6 to 7 pound, so in the end we went into a Chinese restaurant for buffet lunch, which was only 10 pound per person. After the lunch, we went on to Picaddily Circus, and after that to Oxford Street. We've done quite a lot of shopping there, and the one which left me with a deep impression was Primark. There were too many people inside, and to get a fitting room was simply an empty hope. So basically, I just put the blouse on me. If HM thinks that it suits me, I would just grab. I really bought many stuffs there, including the blouses for myself, HY, KN, and other accessories.

There was an exciting scene while we were at Oxford Street. About 40% of the road was closed. Many polices and ambulances were there. And of course, people were too busybody and couldnt stop peeping at the spot. We didnt know what was actually happening. I just know that it seems like the crime scene in CSI for some homicide investigations, haha!!

It was already 6pm by then. So we moved back to Leicester Square, as AL had the Mama Mia show at 7.30pm. AL wanted to walk around, but I simply did not have anymore energy. So I ended up having a snack bite with HM in KFC. Thanks HM for the great accompaniment.

Then, I took the underground to Queensway to meet up with DT for my birthday dinner. She has booked a seat at a famous chinese restaurant.

Favourite yummy birthday dinner

Not to forget, I also got a special delivery from HY, 2 delicious pies from Paul Bakery. And that bottle of Absinth contains 70% alcohol. Try it to feel the kick!

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