Friday, May 8, 2009

Europe Trip - Day 4 *Venice*

Day 4, 20 Nov 2008

Ahhh... Venice Island... Here I come! Venice gives me an impression of romance, eventhough I'm hydrophobic. Venice, which is also known as Venezia for Italian, is a place where I always look forward to. To get to the island from the main land, the speedboat journey was about an hour.

Today, the weather was really cold, about 10 degree Celcius only, with wind blowing. I think another geographical factor which makes it even colder is because, Venice is basically surrounded by sea, too close to it. To avoid myself for getting headache, I gotto wear my winter hat, and cover my mouth with the scarf.

The jetty upon arrival

First place to visit was the Casanova's Bridge of Sigh, but it was under renovation and fully covered with wood. Next was St Mark's Square (Piazza San Marco), which was only a short distance from the jetty. Basically, St Mark was a shopping area in square shape, with a wide empty spaces in the centre.

St Mark's Cathedral

An area nearby Doges's Palace, where the ancient prisoners were sentenced to death in between the two giant poles.

Next, how could we miss the ever famous Gondola Ride? And there it goes...

The on-board area for Gondola Ride

Rialto Bridge

Many Gondolas on the sea

A beautiful view of Venice Island

Our lunch today was quite a special one, as we were eating the local famous spaghetti made of squid juice, and the nice capuccino. The lunch was kind of funny, as we couldnt stop laughing when looking at the black shit spagetti. The Italians stared at us extraordinarily with puzzled eye-look. That's fine... Wait til they see our Laksa.

Squid Spaghetti

After the lunch, we were given 2 hours to walk around. So I took this opportunity to take a peep at some branded shops, such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hermes, Prada and Gucci. I bought a local leather handbag in brown colour. In the evening, I also went into an ice-cream shop for a Tiramisu cone. We gathered again at about 5pm, and the boat-ride back to the main land.

St Mark's Square during sunset

After our dinner, we went to a souvenir shop to buy the souvenirs, such as the Venetian mask and Murano Glass. I bought a mask magnet, a Murano photo frame and a few Murano pendants.

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