Thursday, May 7, 2009

Europe Trip - Day 2 *Pisa*

Day 2, 18 Nov 2008

After having the hot buffet breakfast in hotel, we departed to Pisa at 8am. It took about 5 hours to reach Pisa from Rome, so it was another long journey. The coach was comfortable. I didnt sleep entirely throughout the journey, but to spend most of the time enjoying the nice scenery along the journey. Green fields, countryside cottages, farms, orchards.... Relaxing! It was a very nice weather today, about 14 degree Celsius. Initially, I didnt have the intention to wear my winter jacket. Then AL started to tease on me...

"Don't tell me u gona wear ur Nike jacket again! Should put on the winter jacket for a lovely pic!"
Well, ok, so I kept my poor Nike, and took out the white winter jacket.

Upon the arrival, our coach was not allowed to drive into the tourist spot, again! Guess this is a very common rule in Italy. After getting down from the coach, we took another special bus to reach the Leaning Tower. Not too long, about 10 minutes. Since we've spent half a day in the coach, so JL brought us to a ristorante for a yummy lunch. Today, we had traditional Italian spagetti as appetiser, followed buy pork chop as the main course, and a tempting tiramisu ice-cream as dessert. Not bad huh!

After the lunch, JL explained to us about the ever famous Pisa Leaning Tower, and also a cathedral at the Square of Miracle. Then, he gave us about 2 hours for our own exploration. Those who were interested to climb up the Leaning Tower had to pay EUR10++. Well, my purpose there was not for tower climbing. What more, who knows the tower might collapse even before I've reached the peak!! So forget it!!

AL and I, was overjoyed to make the routine pose of pushing on the Leaning Tower for photo taking. It was very fun, as we could hardly imagine that we had made it there!

After plenty of crazy shots, we visited to the cathedral.

Internal view of the cathedral

There was another Dome opposite the Cathedral, but we didnt enter as it was under renovation.

Finally, we had a brief shopping for souvenirs at the stalls nearby . I bought a super big Leonardo da Vinci T-shirt for HY, a Snoopy + Pisa mini-T for myself, and a Pisa magnet for my refrigerator. After we've done all the sightseeing and shopping, it was about 5pm, and the sky was getting dark again. So we went for the usual chinese dinner, and back to hotel, Art Museo at Prato for a good sleep.

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