Monday, May 4, 2009

All because of the Aus Trip

I got a shit day today, all bcos of the aus trip this month end. I wanted to take unpaid leave, but my boss "preferred" me to work extra hours in order to cover the missing part when I'm away. So i've spent a week readjusting my schedule by swapping the slots with my colleagues. Needless to say, I received all kinds of "warm" and "cold" reactions from them. Some agreed to lend their helping hands, some gave me the facial expression as if they've seen a ghost. Nvm, u never know if u need my help one day.

Today's my first day starting the "extra" workload. This is a shit day. So I've dragged myself to work for another 4 hours. I didnt get a good sleep last nite too, as I always have Monday blues! I will definately find a way to kill those who were trying to make my life more difficult!!! U better shut ur mouth when i'm working. When I start to hate u, u will never know, to wat extend I can go. Dont ever test ur luck.

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