Thursday, May 7, 2009

Europe Trip - Day 1 *Rome*

Day 1, 17 Nov 2008

After a long and tiring journey (actually not really a tired one for me, as I've been sleeping too much!), we've reached Rome! First of all, we were taken to a local Italian restaurant for lunch, Ristorante Italiano, this is how Italian pronounced their restaurant. Yes, food again, guess we haven't been fed enough in the aeroplane.

Each of us was served with a giant pizza, oh my god! It comes with mushroom and cheese topping. A very delicious meal, but too bad, my stomach was too full and seems like the digestion was not completed yet. This is not the end of the lunch story. We thought the pizza was more than enough. And guess what, the waiter carried out another salmon fish steak with garden salad~~~ And this is the main course, the poor pizza was only an appetizer. Should I laugh or cry? I think basically I was using my fork to play around with the salmon, and perhaps 2 or 3 bites only. What a wrong timing.

When we were done with the lunch, we were heading to our first destination of the day - Vatican City, the smallest country in the world with fewest population. Well, sounds like very far from Rome, in fact it was only next door, just a stone's throw. I was really amazed with the Roman Renaissance Architecture. The St Peter's Basilica, biggest Catholic church in the world, was simply too fantastic!

External view of the greatest church ever:

A great master piece from Leonardo va Vinci:

Internal view of St Peter's Basilica:

Then, we continued our next visit to the greatest Colosseum. Since it was winter, so the sky turned dark very early, about 4.30pm. Due to this, all my photos taken at the Colosseum ended up to be a night view. I didnt enter into the Colosseum, as there was nothing to see except muds on the ground.

Finally, our last stop was the Trevi Fountain. As usual, it was called a fountain, so you would be expecting to see the water flow, with all coins sinking to the bottom. But this is a different case, as all those coins were Euro. We were thinking, if we throw a coin costs EUR1, which means we have to multiply it with 5 for Malaysia's currency. What an expensive wish!!! Haha, a lame joke of the day. I couldn't remember if I've made any wish, but from what I could remember, NO. I was more attracted to the shops nearby. After this, we walked for about 20 minutes to reach our bus, as it was not allowed to park too close to the tourist spot.

Ok, so we've done with the first day. I didnt take any photo for the dinner, as it was a normal Chinese meal, 6 dishes + 1 soup + fruits + chinese tea. And I was too tired to take any more photo. After the dinner, of course we headed back to the hotel, Central Park, for a good sleep.

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