Sunday, May 17, 2009

Europe Trip - Day 10 *Windsor Castle, Stonehenge, Bath*

Day 10, 26 Nov 2008

Today was a relaxing day, as we followed a day tour to some of the interesting suburbs outside London. Early in the morning, we took the underground tube to Paddington station. We were supposed to wait for the coach outside Hilton. When we reached Paddington station, we could only see a cafe of Hilton. So I asked the concierge, and found out that it was actually the back part of Hilton. To get to the main entrance, we gotto walk through the cafe. Well, ok, no comment on the architecture design.

We met 2 Australians while waiting for the coach, a father and a son. We had a nice chat, but too bad we didnt join the same tour. Our tour was organised by Premium Tour, for only 65 pounds. You wont feel the expensiveness if u dont convert GBP to MYR :) The coach sent us to the main bus station, and we were transferred to another coach.

First of all, we visited Windsor Castle, the official residential area of the Royal Family - Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles. I seriously think that UK reminds me of all my childhood fairy tales, as I've seen too many castles. We were there for about an hour.

External View of Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle - Flag is up: Queen Elizabeth is around

Help... Rapunzel was trapped!!!

Actually this area was surrounded by gate. So I put my camera over the gate to take this pic.

Guard Changing Ceremony

A good view inside the castle

Before heading back to the coach, I bought a Tortilla wrap at a nice bakery, and this would probably be my lunch. Then, we continued our journey to Stonehenge. On our way, the tour guard stopped us at a small restaurant for lunch. The weather was very good when we reached the destination. It was windy, but not too cold with the lovely sun. And I absolutely love the greenery view. Stonehenge is one of the famous world heritage site, and it stands alone in the vast empty tract of Salisbury plain.

Lots of sheepy on the wide land

Stonehenge :)

A closer view of Stonehenge

Before we left, I bought a sheepy soft toy at the souvenir shop. How could I possibly miss it?? Finally, the last destination would be Bath, a small town. It was already evening upon the arrival. Bath is a beautiful Georgian city with delightful crescents, terraces and architecture. We visited the Bath Abbey and the Pump Rooms.

A relaxing setting

Christmas Market behind Bath Abbey

Bath Abbey

Pump Room with Hot Spring

Before we left, I bought a giant Bacon Pie :) How yummy! It took about 2 hours to reach London CBD. And tonight, I had my dinner with DT at BGK located at Whitecity, the largest shopping mall in UK.

Giant Beef Burger with Cajun Sauce

Additional side dishes such as fries, salad, mango crush and ice-blended oreo

After the fattening meal, it was time for bed. When we go travelling, to sleep directly after a full meal is always not a sinful act!!!

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