Friday, July 3, 2009

Australia - Moving my ass *KLIA + MAS*

Moving my ass - 22 & 23 May 09

Australia trip is indeed a fantastic one that I've been looking forward to. What more, the main purpose of this trip is to meet up with my dearest HY! What could be more exciting that this?

I departed to KL, alone, on 22 night. After getting my luggage, I waited for the bus at KLIA bus terminal to transfer to LCCT, as I gotto overnight at Tune Hotel for connecting my flight the next day. The bus costs RM1.5, indicates that no one would be helping u to carry ur luggage. When the bus arrived, the Indian man asked us to go onboard. Since there was no underneath compartment to keep my luggage, so I carried it onto the bus. Not an easy task as my luggage was 15kg. After waiting for 10 minutes in the bus, no sign of moving, so we all were wondering what the hell was going on. Yah, typical Malaysian, the Indian man asked us to move down and change to another bus. Luckily it has a compartment, so I could save my energy.

When I reached LCCT, supposely, the van would be available to send us to Tune Hotel. After waiting for quite a moment, nothing was in sight. So I ended up walking to Tune Hotel, dragging the luggage, for about 10 minutes. Needless to say, I really sweat profusely when I reached, and topped up another 10 bucks to "buy" the aircon in my room. Luckily, the small room was cozy enough to provide me with a good sleep and shower.

Next morning, I woke up very early to prepare myself. I went to KLIA at 7am, using the Tune Bus. After checking in, everything was fine, and I got onboard with such a relax mind, couldnt wait to see my HY in Brisbane! But one thing about MAS, it disappoints me a lot. Look at the food below:

A 9-hour flight, but serving me with omelette + sausage...............

Tea-break.... Better keep this shit for yourself

A nice view, at least, brightened me up

Another shit meal, was served when I transit from Sydney to Brisbane

Somehow, when I was waiting for the transit at Sydney, I bought a Gucci watch, Marina Chain Collection. So this was my first prey for Aus trip :)

When I reached Brisbane, maybe I was simply "too lucky". I was spotted in the random check by immigration officer. That idiot brought me to a counter aside and asked me quite a few questions. Then, he photostated my passport and returned it to me. But he told me not to worry, as this was just a random check. Oh well, of course nothing to worry. Unless they do not want me to shop and spend in their country. After that, the luggage checking procedure was a smooth one, as the custom did not require me to open my luggage, while many others had to do so.

Once I stepped my feet outside the arrival hall, and there I saw HY!!!!! Nothing could be happier than this. After reaching home, we had a steamboat for supper. That night, I had such a good sleep with HY by my side, and the cold weather.

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