Saturday, July 11, 2009

Australia - Day10 *Phillip Island + Tulip Farm*

Day 10, 2 June 09

I was not saying that the Zoton was a miracle pil, but I really felt so much better today. So I could follow them to the Tulip Farm and Phillip Island :) We left home about 10am, and went for the Vietnamese breakfast at Richmond, a famous Vietnamese street. Well, they just got too obsessed with Vietnamese food. I did not dare to take the risk to challenge my stomach, so I drank the packet fresh milk and had some biscuits.

Firstly, since I was dying to see tulips, so we went to Tesselaar Tulip Farm. It was at Monbulk Road, Silvan, about an hour ride from Melbourne city. Actually the blooming season was in September, so we just tried our luck. As expected, there was nothing to see, not even a single tulip. We only saw the green beds, where all the tulips were still hybernating underground. What a disappointment. But HY promised to buy a bouquet for me when we back Melbourne.

Tulips ~ All hiding underground :"(

It was about 2pm when we left. WL forgot to bring along the GPS, so we solely depended on the Melway to move our ass. HY was the acting live GPS, as he sat at the front passenger seat, helping WL with the map. We made a few mistakes, but not the serious one. In order to take the shorter route, WL eventually used a tiny, narrow & winding road to reach the other end. It was really dangerous as we could not see the cars coming from the other direction.

Winter View

Nice Countryside - I took the pic while we stopped the car at the roadside to check on the Melway

While we were approaching the Penguin Parade, we actually overshot, and reached the "A Maze'N Things" location. Since we were there, so we went down and took some pics. If we were there earlier, we would probably go in, as it took about 3 hours to complete all the stimulating puzzles, illusions and memory tests inside.

A Maze'N Things

It was about 5pm by then, so we headed to Penguin Parade at Summerland Beach. Those little creatures were expected to return ashore at about 6.30pm. After buying the ticket, the general admission at AUD20.6 per person, we went into the exhibition hall and visitor centre. It was not a good idea to go out to the beach too early, as it was freezing cold. While waiting, we had some snacks at the fast food restaurant.

Choices of tickets

A corner at Visitor Centre

At about 6pm, we walked towards the beach. The viewing stands and timber boardwalks were nicely built and well-maintained. I enjoyed the lovely coastal scenery, but too bad, we were not allowed to take any pics. Around 7pm, and here comes the penguin!!! They were so busy coming up ashore and heading back to their nest. I realised that they had their own gangs of friends, as they would wait until everyone had gathered, and slowly walked back to the home.

Then, we went back to the guided boardwalks, and saw how those penguins heading back to their nests. Not to forget a very interesting live show. The penguins actually called for their partner by using high frequency noise, and mated on the spot!!! Wow, too desperate after an exhausting day looking for food.

Before we left, we bought some junk food from the souvenir store

Our foot!

There was a funny sign outside the carpark: "Please Check Under Your Car Before Driving Away". They afraid that we might crash the little penguin. If I really found one under my car, I would kidnap it back :p Actually there were many other interesting spots to explore at Phillip Island, such as The Nobbies and Churchill Island. Since we were lacking of time, so we could only go to the Penguin Parade.

It was a long long journey driving back to Melbourne, about 150km. Needless to say, of course I was sleeping again. It was 9pm when we reached Melbourne. The dinner tonight was Italian meal at Sofia's Pizza House. This meal was only AUD60, and 5 of us (3 males + 2 females) could only finish 50% of the food. So u can imagine how big the portion was. Definitely two thumbs up!

Busy ordering, we were too hungry!

Giant Spaghetti & Fettuccine + Fried Seafood + Garden Salad

Grilled Chicken with Creamy Sauce & Potatoes + Vege

A really happy day, though I didnt see my tulips. After we reached home & each had a hot shower, we had a nice chit chat until 2am again. Those take-away food eventually became our supper, or breakfast?

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