Saturday, June 27, 2009


Today is Saturday, it's a day I always look forward as I dont have to work :D So I gotto look for some activities to make my Saturday a fantastic one.

I woke up around 9.30am, considering an early one as I could easily sleep until noon if I want to. After a simple breakfast, I read newspaper and wrapped my face with hydrating mask. This could drag me for almost an hour. Then, I went out with mum about 11.30am.

Firstly, I went to few banks. This is an usual routine during month end. On my way to lunch, I met a lame ass bitch who was completely suck up in driving. Why would I say so? And here's the story. There were 3 lanes, I was on the first lane, and she was on the third lane, far behind me. When the traffic light turns green, I moved my car and cut into the second lane. She was behind me, who were supposed to wait until I had done, only then she could drive into the second lane. But she didnt!!!!!!!!! While I was halfway entering into the land, she just drove past me in that land with fast speed, which almost knocked down the front part (right-hand side) of my car!!!! I was fucking mad and continuously pressing the car horn. How I wish I could get down and give her a good punch in the face. If you do not know how to drive, stay at home and dont endanger other people's life.

After that, we had lunch at HK Siao Ba Wang. I think it was reasonable as I only paid RM12 for 3 cha siew bao, 2 custard bun, 2 siew bi, 1 lotus pao, 1 red bean paste pao, 1 ular peng and 1 ice lemon tea.

I wanted to buy a photo album for my Aus pic, so I went to Parkson Riverside to look for it. But sad to say, I couldnt find any that I want. Mum also could not get the jeans at MNG. So we decided to go Spring again. Finally she got her jeans in MNG, but my photo album was not in sight. We went back after buying some groceries.

At night, I had a baby full-moon party, followed by a tea session with some of my friends.

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