Saturday, July 11, 2009

Australia - Day9 *Melbourne - Bloody Sick*

Day 9, 1 June 09

It was a horrible day. I was continued to be haunted by the nightmare of gastric. I woke up early in the morning, feeling very dizzy and nausea. My whole body was in serious pain, and fever too. The gastric didnt seem to get any better. I also had serious diarrhea twice. Until an extend, I suspected it was H1N1, though there was no symptom of flu :(

After drinking the hot milo, I sat on the bed emotionlessly. YP and HY were so busy looking for doctor, and making appointment for me. In the end, we got the earliest appointment at 10.30am, at a clinic in Boxhill. Initially, our plan for today was to shop at Boxhill and go for hot spring massage. Forget about it, count me out!

WL reached our condo around 10am, and sent me straight to the clinic. The doctor was a nice one. After the check up, I got super low blood pressure, dehydration, and my stomach was infected by germs, partially due to stress and food. Talking about food, must be those raw sashimi taken at Fish Market :( But for stress, travelling was suppose to release stress, right? Oh well, whatever it is, so I paid AUD70 for this consultation fee, and another AUD50 for the Zoton pils. What a day for having such an honour to visit to Boxhill clinic.

I continued to grow dizzy after seeing the doctor. They went to Coles and bought some edible food for me, such as milk and biscuits. I certainly did not have any appetite, but anyhow, they had to eat something after accompanying me for one whole morning. So we went to one famous Chinese restaurant for Dim Sum. I really felt so much wanted to vomit when I looked at those food, and the unbearable smell. After a while, my had stomachache again, and went to the toilet for my 3rd time diarrhea. In the end, they decided to send me back before heading to the hot spring.

When we reached the condo, HY was pressing the password for entering. At that moment, suddenly I could feel the sourness of the gastric juice coming up straight into my throat. In less than 5 seconds, I vomitted everything out!!!!!!! Not in time to go to the drain, so I vomitted at the entrance of the condo~~~~~~~ In total, I vomitted 3 times, and all those curry chicken rice was still clearly visible, not digested at all :( HY helped to wash off all the stink chicken by using water.

Right after the chaotic session, I felt a lot better instantly. HY wanted to accompany me, but I insisted that he should go to the hot spring. I could just take a good nap as I really needed some rest. After they left, I had a packet of milk, some biscuits, and then started to catch a nap. I had been sleeping for 4 hours.

At night, I took a hot shower. And thank goodness that the fever was over after taking the Panadols. RT cooked some porridge for me, and I ate together with RT and YP. Since there was nothing to do, so I just sat in front of the notebook and surf the internet.

HY came back around 11pm. Then we all chit chat until 2am. What a day!

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