Saturday, July 11, 2009

Australia - Day8 *Sydney + Melbourne*

Day 8, 31 May 09

It was time to say bye-bye to Sydney, and hello to Melbourne. Since our flight was 7.30pm , so we had about half day to tour around Sydney. Today, our journey was a simple one, just walked around the city centre.

First of all, we went to the Paddy's Market. It was a flea market selling all sorts of stuffs at super cheap price, such as Australia souvenirs, winter outfits, food, clothes, luggage, and any other things u could think of. We bought a lot of souvenirs here, and also a pair of gloves + winter hat for myself. I've seen one cute little backpack with Koala bear, where the selling price was AUD20 at Harbourside, but only AUD7 at Paddy's Market. I think the message was clear enough.

After this, we walked to the China Town for lunch at one of the restaurant. I had some Dim Sum, while HY ordered beef ho fan. Next, we walked all the way from China Town to Sussex St, Goulburn St, Kent St, George St, Pitt St and finally Castlereagh St.

HY bought a Tiffany & Co Blue Box Charm for me, which was gorgeous :) This is the magic of Tiffany, it would make u smile when u receive it in a lovely blue gift box, wrapped with the snow white ribbon, putting inside the blue paper bag!

Tiffany & Co

My Tiffany Blue Box Charm

Castlereagh Street

The weather was not really good. We went to Louis Vuitton to ask about the price of Highbury, as we planned to buy this as a gift for mum. After seeing the product, we decided to get it in Melbourne. When we stepped our feet out of LV, someone called HY. Gosh, it was DT's family!!! What a coincident!!! So we took a pic there as remembrance. It was about 3pm by then, so we took the Monorail back to hotel, as I had to do the last minute packing.

We made a booking through hotel for the airport van, it was AUD12 per person. It picked us around 4.30pm. We were flying to Melbourne by using Qantas. When I passed by the custom for checking in, he actually smiled and said that my hand carry luggage was too light for a woman. Oh well, how heavy would he expect by just having one LV, one Gucci watch, one Tiffany, and one Dugong inside?? >.<

After checking in, we walked around and intended to shop, but nothing to buy. So we ended up having a simple dinner. Qantas was similar to MAS, with good service and on board meal. I booked the ticket at AUD75 per person, all inclusive. Since HY was sleeping all way long, so I made myself busy by eating those food - Hindi curry chicken with rice, salad, fruit and dessert. And guess what, this was the beginning of the GREAT DISASTER of my trip.

When we were about to land, I felt that my stomach was not feeling very well, the symptom of gastric. While waiting for the luggage, I swallowed 2 gastric pils, thinking that it would work. WL picked us up using his sportcar, and I actually felt quite dizzy with the fast speed. We went to Boxhill for supper, and of course I didnt swallow a bite. My gastric was getting serious that moment. When we reached home, RT made a cup of ENO for me, but it just didnt work. I went into the toilet to dig my own throat, hoping I would vomit, but nothing happened.

So, I went to bed, but had a very terrible sleep, as I had fever as well. I felt extremely cold eventhough the heater was beside me, and was shivering non stop. I just wish to stabbed my stomach at that moment. I didnt really fall asleep, as I felt very weak and body pain all over.......

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