Monday, July 20, 2009

Australia - Day12 *Chadstone*

Day 12, 4 June 09

Early in the morning, RT and I accompanied HY to go to the nearby computer shop, as he was very desperate to get a new notebook to replace his one-year-old dying Acer. This notebook buying session was a quick one, as he decided on a super cool white HP, in less than 30 minutes. It was about AUD1,700 after the cash rebate (@ only 2.2 currency conversion rate to MYR!), and we could get another 9% GST refund when we departed from Australia. A good deal! When we reached home, HY didnt bother to open it, as his heart had flown to Chadstone for another big bang shopping session.

It was easy to get there, as many buses were available at Oakleigh Train Station on Pakenham Line. Chadstone was rather similar to One Utama, with a new wing and an old wing, where new wing was fully on the branded items, while the old wing was more economical. It was definitely the correct place with many things u could buy under one roof. We had our brunch before the shopping session, not really a nice one, as I only ate some pastries.

We went straight to the new wings after the lunch. I was looking for Armani Exchange, as today was the first day of the sales, as seen in the newspaper. I managed to sweep 4 mini-Ts, and HY was performing good as well, 2 pairs of jeans, all at unbeatable low price. The price was at least 50% cheaper compared to Malaysia. HY also bought a Nixon watch, looked really cool. After that, we went to Myer to buy some gifts for our family. Unexpectedly, I bought another Guess mini-T there. KN had many gifts too, as I bought one whole bag of clothes for him at Cotton On Kids. Then, we also did the shopping at other boutiques such as Hugo Boss, Lacoste, French Connection, CK, Esprit etc.... I bought a pair of Lacoste shoes for HY as his birthday gift :)

Chadstone - New Wing

Cotton On Kids - where I swept many clothes for dear KN

It was about 4pm by then, and our stomach started grumbling for food. HY ordered fried noodles, while I had a sandwich. I was dying for candy at that moment, and luckily I found the lizard candy at one of the store, just outside JB Hi-Fi. similar to the one I bought at Blue Mountain. HY was busy looking for a new cooler pad for his new notebook, so we went into JB Hi-Fi. After this, I was so tired and speechless, but HY wanted to look for some low cost T-shirt for home wear. So he went into K-Mart, and I was sitting outside waiting for him, enjoying my lizard candy.

After a while, WL appeared in front of me, out of no way!!! After asking him, only I knew that he was there to pick us up, haha! And HY told him that I was sitting there, no wonder he could locate me. HY came out empty handed, not a good deal I bet. So we went to WL's house for a drink, and chit chated while waiting for KL to be back from work.

Our dinner tonight was at Boxhill again, a nice Chinese restaurant, and I had BBQ pork rice, yummy! After the dinner, we had another sinful session by eating gelato, ops.... This was really fattening, something I would never do in Malaysia. But it tasted really nice and rich, very enjoying especially when the weather was so cold.

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