Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Australia - Day13 *Gucci + LV*

Day 13, 5 June 09

Early in the morning, I was lying on the bed, sleeping unconsciously at such a cold winter. At about 9am, I realised HY was missing from the bed. I thought he went to the kitchen to dig out some food, as normally we all wont wake up so early for breakfast. After a while, there was a total silent. I felt so reluctant to wake up, but was very curious where could he be. Then, I thought he might go for a morning walk nearby. So I didnt bother much, and went into the kitchen to make myself a cup of hot milo.

At that particular moment, HY came back and opened the door. He was so shocked to see me standing there, holding a cup of milo. He stood at the entrance and gave me a fishy smile. Honestly speaking, I was quite blur, as I wasnt fully awake. He asked me to walk approach him, and I did. Guess what, a bouquet of TULIPS!!!!!!! Haha... what a great surprise :)

First bouquet of tulips in my life, and I carried it all the way back to Malaysia

I really love it!

We departed for the shopping adventure at about 10am. Our breakfast today was at Mekong, a famous Vietnamese restaurant, again, where lots of celebrities had visited before. As usual, I ate the ho fan again. I really had too many Vietnamese cuisines for this trip. What a coincident, and the world was really small, as I actually met my aunty there.

Seen these lovely flowers along the roadside


When the meal was done, we headed to Collin's St. As the start of the day, we bought a pair of Adidas for KN. Then, HY bought 2 polo shirts at Polo Ralph Lauren. When I walked past Louis Vuitton, nothing happened, as I had already bought mine at Gold Coast. However, I had a disaster at Gucci. RT told me there might be a sales, and there really was!!! Actually I was not a dying fans of Gucci, so I thought I would be perfectly safe even if I went inside. Well, it ended up the other way round. I bought a bag, Spring/Summer 2009 Collection, so-called for working purpose, and I guess this was only a lame excuse :p Blame on the sales & GST refund! After that, we walked past Chanel, and I insisted not to enter, else there would probably be another disaster.

It was about 3pm by then. So we walked around Melbourne city for photo taking. We also went to Taylors College at Lonsdale St, where HY studied for his Year12 before entering university. He looked very excited, and I bet plenty of sweet memories for him. We had our tea-break at a Korean Restaurant opposite the college.

Swanston St

Beautiful Yarra River

Very Romantic

Then, we went to Crown Casino to wait for YP. We planned to get an LV for mum as her birthday gift.

Walking to Crown Casino

So boring sitting at the lobby

While waiting for YP, I went into Burberry and walked one round. The sales was going on, but I didnt manage to hook anything. Then, we went into Louis Vuitton. After seeing a few bags, we decided to buy Damier Highbury for mum, AUD2560. It was quite heavy, and I had to carry it back in my hand-carry luggage for GST refund.

Louis Vuitton Crown Casino

Crown was on fire.. haha! So we watched this again before going for dinner

The dinner tonight was at Sofia's Pizza House again, as we really loved the irresistable creamy fattening Fettucini. This time, we also ordered a super rich cheese cake. The taste was like heaven.

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