Thursday, December 23, 2010

China - Day8 *Shanghai - Madame Tussauds*

26 Nov 2010

Actually this trip to China wasn't really a smooth one. I started to cough on the third day, and was worsen after I had the windy ride on the double decker tourist bus. All kind of sickness came in one go, sorethroat, fever, severe cough with mucus and flu. I was extremely sleepy and dizzy especially after taking the medicines. Still, trip goes on, and I had to move along.

Today was already the 8th day, which means I've been coughing for a week. Gosh, at certain extend, I felt like my hungs were almost thrown out. So, HY decided to have an easy plan today, so I could rest more in the hotel.

At about noon, we walked along East Nanjing Street to The Bund. Along the way, we did some shopping. The weather was very clear and not really cold, so we took some pics at The Bund again.

Sunny Shanghai at The Bund

Then, we walked further up to the Garden Bridge (外白渡桥), built in 1907, which we missed out the shot on the third day.

Garden Bridge

Spotted Chanel nearby

After taking the pics, we walked back to People's Square. Now, we had another HORRIBLE NIGHTMARE. This really makes me hate China to the max. When we were walking along Nanjing Street, I was in front of HY. Suddenly, I heard HY yielding at a lady, about 40 years old. I was unaware of the situation, but I saw the lady walked past me calmly, with another one hugging a baby. When I looked at HY's sling bag, I was in terrible shock as his bag was being opened, almost half. If he was unaware of it, our camera would have gone. Then, the lady dared to walk to our direction again, still pretended that nothing was wrong. She was really a professional pick-pocket, together with another "mother" with the little baby. I was really furious and mad, immediately I used my Bottega Veneta to bang hardly on her, then scolded her deadly. She still smiled and walked away.................. Anyway, thank God that our belongings were safe. F***!!!

Next destination was Madame Tussauds, located at New World Building, 10th floor. We purchased the combo package at RMB275 (tickets for 2 adults, one nicely illustrated guide book, and entrance to Scream Mazes).

See who we met...

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