Sunday, December 26, 2010

China - Day11 *Hangzhou - West Lake*

29 Nov 2010

Walking along the West Lake, especially during winter, made me feels that I'm in paradise. The scenic West Lake itself is like a beautiful poem, brings u romantic story every moment.

We stayed at Orange Hotel Nanshan Road, a very nice and cosy hotel.

Orange Hotel

This poor little thing was called Andrew

Lunch today was at a lakeside restaurant known as 7080 Garden Restaurant. Didn't manage to snap any pics as I was dizzy and sleepy after the medicine. After the lunch at 3pm, it started to turn dark, as Hangzhou was raining today. We walked back from the restaurant, and passed by a tourist spots known as Liu Lang Wen Ying (柳浪闻莺), which means the singing warblers under the willow trees. Not too sure how the name comes from, but it was indeed a pretty spot. It used to be the private garden of Royal family during Song Dynasty.

Liu Lang Wen Ying (柳浪闻莺)

We continued walking, and along the road.

Walking along the West Lake was kind of relax, accompanied by all the invigorating views. After walking south along Nanshan Road for about 30 minutes, we reached another tourist spot, Lei Feng Pagoda(雷峰夕照). It was built in 977 by the King of Wuyue Kingdom, Qian Hongchu, to commemorate the birth of his son by Huangfei, his favorite concubine. This place was actually the nearest spot to our hotel. There was a temple opposite the pagoda, Evening Bell at Nanping Hill (南屏晚鐘).

West Lake. Lei Feng Pagoda was opposite

History about Lei Feng Pagoda

Lei Feng Pagoda

Picturesque View at West Lake

After Lei Feng Tower, we continued for another 20 minutes to reach Su Causeway (苏堤), with the total distance of 2.8km, built by a governor, Su Dong Bo at 1089. Su Causeway was famous of 6 bridges: Ying Bo (映波桥) - reflecting the waves, Suo Lan (锁澜桥) - locking the waves, Wang Shan (望山桥) - looking at distant mountain, Ya Ti (压堤桥) - causeway ballast, Dong Pu (东浦桥) - eastern ford, Kua Hong (跨虹桥) - spanning rainbow. We only went to the first bridge as it was kind of dark and cold. At Ying Bo Bridge, turned left, and there was a garden with a famous spot - Fish Viewing at the Flower Pond (花港观鱼).

Entrance of Fish Viewing Garden

Inside the Fish Viewing Garden

Ngui's Villa

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