Monday, December 27, 2010

China - Day12 *Hangzhou - West Lake*

30 Nov 2010

Today was a rainy day, the entire West Lake looked so foggy, and it was freaking cold. We started our journey around 11am, as soon as the rain stopped, lucky us! From our hotel, we took the taxi to the Lingering Snow at Broken Bridge (断桥残雪). The bridge was famous of a Chinese Folklore Love Story - The Legend of White Snake. This bridge was covered with different looks in different season.

This way to the broken bridge

History of Broken Bridge

Broken Bridge & Dead Lotus in Winter

Broken Bridge & Tourist Mini Bus (In Green)

Since West Lake was super big, and the weather was freezing cold, we decided to on board the tourist mini bus (refer to the pic above) to make a turn around the lake in order to familiarise ourselves with the location. The mini bus was convenient for tourists who were lazy to walk, and wanted to enjoy the entire journey of West Lake. U could go on board anywhere, just wave to the driver and he would stop. It could accommodate about 10 visitors. One big round clock-wise direction around the lake costs RMB40, about 70 minutes, but u were not allowed to get down during the journey. Point-to-point route was also available, with cheaper fee and ticket. We hopped on at Broken Bridge.

Map of West Lake

The route was:

Broken Bridge - New Lakeside Area - Yong Jin Gate - Liu Lang Wen Ying - Roman Plaza - Tang Yun Museum of Art - Long Bridge Park - Lei Feng Pagoda - Su Causeway - Yue Fei Temple - Wu Cemetery - Xi Leng Bridge - Peaceful Lake - Broken Bridge


Touring around West Lake

Six Bridges at Su Causeway

Bridge No.1 Ying Bo (映波桥) - reflecting the waves

Bridge No. 2 Suo Lan (锁澜桥) - locking the waves

Bridge N0. 3 Wang Shan (望山桥) - looking at distant mountain

Bridge No. 4
Ya Ti (压堤桥) - causeway ballast

Bridge No. 5 Dong Pu (东浦桥) - eastern ford

Bridge No. 6 Kua Hong (跨虹桥) - spanning rainbow

Bai Causeway

At West Lake, you could hire the boat and visit some other small islands such as Three Ponds Mirroring The Moon (三潭印月) or Peaceful Lake (平湖秋月). Don't forget to get some Long Jin Tea as this is the local production of Hangzhou.