Friday, January 29, 2010

Macau - Day 6 *Bye!*

Day 6, 07 Dec 09

This morning was really a tiring one as we had to reach the port before 4am to catch the vessel back to Macau. WC's flight was around 9am, so ample time was needed in order not to miss the flight. This time, we were sitting in the Premier Class on the upper deck, and was more comfortable compared to the previous journey.

It was around 6.30am when we reached Macau. Needless to say, the weather was freaking cold, and raining too. I couldnt stop shivering while waiting for the taxi to the airport. As my eyes were really too heavy, and I felt kind of dizzy, so I slept on the airport sofa for about an hour. After WC checked in and went into the departure hall, I deposited my luggage at the baggage drop counter. Me and mum planned to go to the town to buy some local products, and also have our lunch there. Since the free shuttle bus will only operate around 11am, so we took the public bus instead.

At Senado Square, we had a nice and warm breakfast at a restaurant.

The porridge and teh si was indeed too good for such a cold weather

Then, we walked to Ruin of St Paul, the so-called "Free Food Testing" Street to buy the local goodies. We bought a lot, such as biscuits, eggtarts, pork chop buns and other local food. We could have bought even more if it wasn't raining. I also grabbed this final opportunity to test the famous ice-cream, Seradura, despite the freezing weather. It was vanilla flavour, and mixed with biscuit crunch inside. Then, I also bought a pair of specs for HY.

Nice specs

After all was done, we took the cab back to the airport again. The flight was around 7pm in the evening.

Waiting for Flight

Halfway in the flight, I was getting hungry. Unfortunately, all the inflight meal was sold out except noodle cup. Since I pre-booked Nasi Lemak for mum, so she was eating happily. Without a single choice, I bought the noodle cup. Everything is nice when u are hungry! Apart from this, nothing interesting about the flight.

It was indeed good to be home, and I slept until 1pm the next day!

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