Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Macau - Day 1 *City Walking Tour*

Day 1, 02 Dec 09

It was winter in Macau. However, the weather today was just nice. I was wearing a long sleeves blouse, and it was more than sufficient to withstand the coldness. Our breakfast was in the hotel restaurant, and we were served with variety of Dim Sum.

Not really enjoying it, cos they didn't serve any Chili Sauce :(

Our first destination of the day, of course, was to visit the ever famous Ruin of St Paul. From our hotel, we walked to Senado Square. Then, made a left turn at St Dominic's Church. Continue walking for another 15 minutes, and there it is! Actually, as long as u follow strictly to the tourist road sign, it's rather hard to lost ur way. Before reaching Ruin of St Paul, we visited a Cathedral.

St Dominic's Church @ Senado Square

Largo De St Domingos


Clock Tower at the Cathedral

On our way to Ruin of St Paul, we never got a chance to keep our eyes rest. There were too many things to look at. When we were approaching the destination, that particular street was selling all sorts of local food. You would be amazed by their business tactics. In order to attract more tourists and boost up their sales, they actually gave u free testing on all the food. They wouldn't stop serving u, as long as u were willing to eat. Those sales ladies were standing in front of their shop, holding the food, and approaching u to feed u with their product. WC and I both were having the same thought: If u go there with an empty stomach, by the time u reach the end of the street, u will be full until u burp! This is really not a joke.

"Eat-All-You-Can" Street :D

Ruin of St Paul & Company of Jesus Square

Ruin of St Paul - Appreciate History

Spectacular View

Close View

Behind the Scene: This is how they support the ruined wall

Nice Scenery

At first, mum refused to come up with us, as she was afraid of walking up the staircases. However, we realised that there was a museum on top of the hill. She might have to wait for an hour if both of us went up. So, we both went down from the ruined wall to look for her, and we told her that there was a temple next to the wall. After the persuation, luckily she agreed to come with us. So we brought her to the Na Tcha Temple before going up to the museum.

Old City Walls next to Na Tcha Temple

Escalator leading to the Museum

External View of Macau Museum

We were actually quite lucky. At first, we planned to go to Mount Fortress before visiting the museum. But we decided to go to the museum first, since we saw the escalator. And what a surprise, once we exited from the museum up there, and Mount Fortress, there it was!!! I can't imagine if we walked all the way up to Mount Fortress.......

Mount Fortress, right outside the Museum on the hill

The lunch today was the famous local food - Portugese Eggtart, Pork Chop Bun, Curry Fish Balls and Bubble Milk Tea.

A very famous shop selling Pork Chop Bun, Egg Tart and Bubble Milk Tea. Of course we were queuing there too!

A Korean Movie actually done the filming here

After the stomach-filling lunch, we continued our journey. From Ruin of St Paul, again, just followed the road sign, and you could reach many other tourists spots.

A quiet street behind Ruin of St Paul

St Anthony's Church

Camoes Square - A peaceful & quiet park, very relaxing

Legend of 10 Gravuras

It was about 3pm by then, so we took the public bus to Fort Guia. When we reached the park, we bought the cable car ticket to go up the hill. You can walk up if u want, take the challenge if u dare! But this is definitely not for us. It was a tough journey to reach the fort, and we had to walk about 30 minutes from the cable car station, all the way up the hill. Mum was waiting for us at the jogging park. We both were sweating like hell by the time we reached the fort. Imagine this is winter! What a strenuous exercise.

Inside Public Bus

Guia Cable Car

Keep walking... Almost there....

All the way up the hill, but it was under renovation~~~~~~~~~~~

Still, she is so beautiful :)

After completing the mission, we took the bus to other destinations.

Statue of Kun Iam

Sands Casino, about 15 minutes walk from the Kun Iam Statue

Lotus Flower in Full Bloom. None of us bother to cross the road and walk over, as our legs were totally numb!

Fisherman's Wharf

And finally............. dinner time at Wong Chi Kei! I love the porridge and prawn noodles!

We want food... we want food!

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