Monday, January 25, 2010

HK - Day 4 *Ocean Park*

Day 4, 05 Dec 09

I really love the breakfast this morning. It was a typical HK style restaurant located at a corner of Nathan Road, about 10 minutes walk from our hotel. The pics below tell everything:

Best Teh-Si & Yin-Yong ever!!!

Polo-Bun, Sandwich & Egg

Ham Macaroni & Chu-Zai Pao (Piggy bun)

A satisfying breakfast was indeed a great move of the day. From Tsim Sha Tsui MTR station, we headed to Admiralty. Then, took the double decker bus No. 629 to Ocean Park. The entrance ticket could be bought at the booth there, very convenient and hassle free.

Upon the arrival at Ocean Park, I think WC was the most excited one. I didnt have a wavy feeling as this was my 2nd visit. The 1st visit in 2007 was not a memorable one, as we didnt have enough time for everything, and it was raining cats and dogs! So I just hope that I could have a complete visit this time.

We took the escalator, known Tai Shue Wan Escalator, a really long one, all the way up to the top. First activity of the day was the Mine Train. I screamed my lungs out, though it was not really a thrilling one. Just a way of releasing myself!

Flamingo Pond welcomes u to Ocean Park

Spectacular View of HK from Ocean Park. The shade in the pic was part of the escalator.

After seeing the seals at Pacific Pier, we proceeded to Ocean Theater for Dolphin's Show. My first visit was really a nightmare when we were watching this show, as it was raining, and too crowded. Since we were sitting at the side and there was no shade, basically I was holding the umbrella for the entire show. The show as scheduled was delayed due to heavy downpour. We wasted more than 2 hours just to watch this show. But this time was a perfect one! :)

Ocean Theater

After the show, we went to the aquarium - Atoll Reef.

Lovely Nemos

A super-thick lips fish to simulate HY's sexy lips... Hahaha....

Giant Turtle

Next activities were Ferris Wheel & The Abyss. The Abyss was turbo drop, the routine game that I would go up, alone as usual. No one would ever accompany me for this. But I simply love it, so I won't miss it in any theme park. After we got all these done, we had our lunch bite - some sandwiches, buns and ice-cream. Before heading to the cable car station, we went to Sea Jelly Spectacular.

Jelly Fish

Inside the Cable Car, going down...

Cable Car Station

Nice View from the cable car

Needless to say, the first spot we visited was the Panda Habitat, as WC couldn't wait to see the so-called kawaii pandas!

Xmas Deco

Panda, I don't think that it is even close to "cute" at all~~

It was peeing & shitting to the wall.... What a good manner!

Next was "Amazing Asian Animals". Quite a number of animals there, but too bad I couldn't remember their names. WC and mum also went to see the gold fish, but I was too tired to walk, so I sat on the bench and waited for them. We left Ocean Park at about 4pm after eating the siu mai.

Cat? Fox?

Stone Fish

Everyone was rushing out to get the bus

It was about 5pm when we reached Pacific Fair, so we took a sneak preview inside. At about 6pm, we went back to Tsim Sha Tsui to watch the fireworks at Victoria Harbour, as today was the Opening Ceremony of East Asean Games. Sounds excited? More story to go..... When we were at Tsim Sha Tsui, the crowd was really frightening. Without knowing what to eat, we ended up in Mc Donalds.

It's all PORKS!

We planned to walk across to Victoria Harbour after the dinner. But too bad, the road was already blocked. The only way was to use the underground subway, and follow the police's instruction in order to cross over. Afraid that we would be starving, we bought a giant bun from a bakery while we were inside the subway, full of human inside too. The most horrible part was to walk up the escalator, as u need to squeeze through the crowd in order to step your feet onto the escalator platform. In the end, we succeeded. However, we could not move any closer to Victoria Harbour as it was already full. So we waited outside the Hong Kong Museum of Art, just 500m away from Avenue of Star.

Quiet Salisbury Road... It was blocked!

Just look at those humans

We waited from 8pm until 9.30pm....... Freezing to cold, and I almost buried by head into my Gucci Bag... But it was worth waiting, as the fireworks were really amazing!! And we could rarely get this opportunity to witness such an event.

Firework... here it comes!

Happy Ending, and the crowds were cheering

After the fireworks, we waited for another 20 minutes in order to move back. Again, just listen to the police's instruction and u could reach your destination. Very systematic and organised.

Our supper - HK roasted Chicken + Cha Siew, Yakult Drink & the Giant Bun bought at the subway.

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