Thursday, March 4, 2010

Chinese New Year 2010

It's been a while since I wrote in my blog. I know busy isn't a convincing excuse but in fact, I'm really having a tight schedule since February. Office is another disaster, as I have tonnes and piles of unfinished tasks, stressful enough to meet the deadline. As for now, I slightly have a narrow airway to breath, and here I am, in my blog :)

So what's the fun issue about February & March? Of course, family reunion in Chinese New Year! I had one week holiday, plus another long weekend for celebrating Chap Goh Mei (15th day of CNY). This year, we were celebrating the first 2 days of CNY in Kuching home instead of Sibu.

Before the CNY, I had a fun & memorable outdoor photo shooting with HY, as a remembrance for our 7th Anniversary. The entire shooting was smooth, and thank God that the weather was perfect for the shooting. Also, it was indeed a pleasure to work with our dear photographer, SN, for being so passionate and produced such a lovely album for us :)

Two days before CNY, my family also went for a Family Portrait at Jacky Studio. This fella really had a sharp knife. The entire service costs us almost RM4k! But well, my parents-in-law & granny were pretty pleased with the photos, so perhaps this is worth paying. Another fun experience, as he was not as snobbish & unpleasant as what we've heard about him. In fact, he was quite humorous, which makes the entire shooting process full of laughter & joy. The most skillful part is, he has his way to capture my three-year-old naughty KN. Such an impressive result. That's why, we got a high price to pay! There's no free lunch on the earth... :)

The CNY Reunion Dinner was a saliva-alluring one. Total of 8 dishes: Salmon Yu Shang, Shark Fin Soup, Roasted Duck, Pork Leg, Steam Cod Fish, Cheese & Mayo Prawn, Foochow Noodle & Mango Delight Dessert. On top of this, I cooked Curry Chicken, while mum also prepared Fried Shark-Fin & Spring Rolls.

Dining Table

Reunion Dishes

Siu Mai

Steam Cod Fish

Curry Chicken

After the dinner, we were busy doing the final cleaning before CNY. After that, we were busy with our own activities, such as watching TV programs, facebooking, etc... Until 12am for the firecrackers!

My home

12am for firecrackers

Welcome the Year of Tiger

On the First Day of CNY, we woke up early in the morning for eating Sou-Mee, which symbolizes Long-Life & Good Luck for the new year.

Dining table full of Chicken Soup, Sou Mee & others

At 10am, the Lion Dance arrived...

After this, the rest of the activities were visiting. Not to forget, the first day of CNY falls on 14 of February, which is also Valentine's Day! We had our celebration at Riverside Majestic Hotel with a simple dinner.

Valentine's Celebration: Sushi Buffet at Cafe Majestic

On the Third day of CNY, we went back to Sibu. The fun activites we had were such as visiting, playing mahjong, eating, BBQ.... Below are some snapshots from Sibu:

Mandarin Oranges

CNY Delicacies

Visiting... KN & I

My Multicolore LV & Monogram Insolite Wallet

My Chanel Jumbo Flap on Our Home's Mini-Bar

KN's CNY Gift from Daddy: A Self-Drive Mini-Cooper, how cool!

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