Sunday, March 21, 2010

Australia - Day8 *Pacific Fair & Surfer's Paradise*

Day 8, 30 Dec 09

Shopping again!!! This round was to Pacific Fair at Gold Coast. It was a hot sunny day, so I bought a banana milk shake upon arrival to quench my thirst. Again, we spent half a day there. I bought a few blouse and dress.

Waiting for HY choosing his shirt

Tea Break

In the evening, we went to the Esplanade for a stroll at the seaside, which brought us a minor unexpected incident. It was suppose to be a fun activity but we never expect the wave to come ashore so high up in a sudden. We put all our belongings on the beach as we were busy snapping pics in the sea. It was quite far away from the sea actually.........

A lovely Scene before the Incident

We were now approaching the sea... Almost time for the blast!

Right after PL took a pic for me where I was jumping high up there, the wave hit the shore in just a blinking of eye. Not having enough time to rescue our stuffs, they were all socked in the seawater. One side of my sandal almost been swept away, and luckily CY caught it. The worst was my Gucci bag & the camera inside. I was damn angry as the bag were 50% wet. My camera was covered with sand & water. After settling my bag by washing it, I just realised that my camera was dead!!!!!!!!!!! I could not turn it on at all. Now I was really having a bad mood.

We went for a dinner at Ferny Avenue, but I was seriously not having a single bit of appetite. HY insisted that I should be taking my dinner in order not to starve, so I ordered a saute chicken set with rice. While waiting for the meal to be served, I took out my camera again. When I pressed the button, suddenly it came to alive!!!!!!! Yooo hooo....... :) From then on, I was enjoying my night at Gold Coast again!

After the dinner, we had a walk nearby. It was very crowded as New Year was around the corner. A lot of shops actually extended the business hour. Before going back to Brisbane, we bought some souvenirs at the Night Market along the Esplanade.

This Golden Man was not moving at all

Deco of Louis Vuitton

Night Market at Esplanade

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