Monday, March 15, 2010

Australia - Day4 *Boxing Day*

Day 4, 26 Dec 09

What could be more exciting than Boxing Day?? We have decided to spend our lavish shopping spree at Harbour Town, Gold Coast. Everyone woke up on time as they were so afraid that the goods might be swept away...

After the breakfast at home, we drove all the way down to Gold Coast. I was not as excited as they all, as I always believe that, a light-hearted mind set will probably bring an unexpected surprise! Today, the traffic was rather heavy. We were joking that everyone were rushing down to Gold Coast for this hunting activity!

Not a problem to look for parking space as we reached the destination at about 10am. We shopped all the way until 3pm before we had our lunch. I didn't really buy a lot, just a few dresses and blouse. However, I enjoyed seeing people rushing here and there to hunt for the items they want. The changing room was indeed a real nightmare, as the crowds were really extraordinary!

Lunch - Cheesy Chicken Steak

Spaghetti with Mussels

At 5pm, we went over to the Reading Cinema for watching Avatar. Before this, we put all the items in the car. And guess what, we walked 3 rounds in order to finish bringing all the stuffs to the car...

Just look at all these!!!

The dinner tonight was at a Chinese Restaurant at Surfer's Paradise.

Reached home about 11pm. They still couldn't let go their eyes on the things they bought...

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