Monday, March 15, 2010

Australia - Day3 *Sunshine Coast*

Day 3, 25 Dec 09

It's Christmas! =)
Not a white Xmas in Brisbane!

Today, we continued our journey to the most spectacular beach at Sunshine Coast - Noosa Head. Since it was Christmas, the traffic was kind of relieve as there weren't much cars on the highway. I bet everyone was enjoying their sweet time with family at home. It took about 2 hours to reach Noosa Head from Brisbane. We visited 2 beaches there - Sunshine Beach & Peregian Beach.

Flawless Traffic

Saw this cute little Koala sign when we were approaching Noosa Head

Sunshine Beach

A lot of people were having a picnic here

Prettiest & breath-taking scene

Peregian Beach

At about 2pm, we moved down to Maroochydore. Not even one single shop was open!! This is really another spectacular scene.

A water skiing area at Maroochydore

Then, we drove to another small town, Bli Bli, about 10 minutes from Maroochydore.

Bli Bli

Sunshine Castle - Close for Christmas

Well, it was not "fun" when u were hungry, but not even one shop is available to be your savior. We drove from Bli Bli all the way down to Mooloolaba, hoping to find something to heal our grumbling stomach.

This is not funny at all... A quiet & dead town

Finally, we saw a ray of light in the darkness - Noodle Box!!! One and ONLY ONE shop which was on business.

Of course, we were energetic again after the stomach filling session. So we went to the nearby beach before heading to airport for picking up MS.

Mooloolaba Beach

This is my Xmas gift after exposing to extra strong sunlight for 2 days. And until now, this part of my neck is still in dark colour. It's been 3 months....

During evening, we picked up MS at the airport. Tonight, we had our dinner at home. After the dinner, we went for a stroll at the city area. This time, HY & I are like tour guide, as we were quite familiar with Brisbane after our visit in June.

Spotted this housing area nearby our place at Birchwood. Look at how they decorated their home for Xmas!!


Treasury Casino

Kangaroo Point

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