Monday, June 22, 2009

MAS Fair

Today is the first day of MAS Fair. By just clicking into the website, u would know how tempting the deal is.

Kuala Lumpur to Paris: RM1959
Kuala Lumpur to Rome: RM1828
Kuala Lumpur to London: RM2343


Well, seems like I'm advertising for MAS.

I told HY about the sales, and he asked me back...
"Why are u looking into Europe again? I thought u just went 6 months ago? And u plan to go again this year end??"

Ok, I know I just came back from Australia 2 weeks ago, and shouldnt think too much now. But, I feel so heartache to miss such a bizarre opportunity. All the tickets are simply ridiculous. I really miss the time when I walked along Champs Elysees and swam inside the largest LV boutique ever.

HY might be going to Brisbane again in December, and I suppose I'm joining him too? Kind of weird to visit the same place twice in a year.

I guess I should really stop clicking into MAS website!

Kuala Lumpur to Tokyo RM1359
Anyone interested? Heehee...

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