Monday, June 15, 2009

I forgot my username and password~~

I was in Australia for the past 2 weeks, and after that was outstation for a week. And guess what, I forgot about my username and password just because I didnt sign in for 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was really nervous, as I put in many efforts in writing about my Europe trip. I just cant take it if this blog of mine was gone! And I'm so ready to write about my Aus trip.....................

Thank God, I finally recall, after trying to login for one hour, putting all sorts of possibility login names, cracking my brain thinking real hard for all the combinations...........
A lesson I've learnt: Dont depend on the computer to remember your username and password. Just bcos I sent my PC to repair and reformat, so all the passwords were gone... And I dun have a single idea about it.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh... Now I can go to bed :)

Will definately bear in mind about my username & password.

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