Tuesday, June 16, 2009


H1N1.... A disease which makes me feel very speechless.

When I was on my trip to Aus, there was only 2 confirmed cases there. My dad was apparently very paranoid, and bought me 2 masks, forcing me to put it on while I was flying to Aus. Of course I wont wear it. But to be agreeable with him, I told him I would do so, very evil. Nothing special at KLIA when I left Msia, seems like the medical team was hiding somewhere as I couldnt spot them. In the flight, MAS, no one was wearing mask. And I was wondering, how many of them have just got back from US. When I reached Brisbane, all I could see was a thermo detector machine, which was about 5m away from me. Very great!

After 5 days, we were flying down to Sydney from Gold Coast. At that time, we heard that the confirmed cases of H1N1 has started to increase drastically. But we didnt know the actual number. HY was kind of worry about our stay in Sydney. When we reached there, everything seems normal. From time to time, I was very busy sterilising my hand with Dettol hand sanitiser before every meal.

4 days later, we were flying down to Melbourne. And this time, we got the number: the confirmed cases were more than 1000!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really dont get the damn point, how come the number jumped from 2 to 1000 in just a week. Whose fault is this? The irresponsible passengers who still go on board though they were sick? The medical team who was standing 5m away from the arriving passengers? Still, everyone was very busy on their move in every part of the city.

Finally, we went back to Brisbane after a week, and I fly back to Msia from there. And guess what was happening when I reached KLIA?
1. Fill in a Health Declaration Form.
2. Walk past the Thermo Detector Machine.
3. Hand in the form to the medical officer.
4. Receive a yellow card which indicates that I have visited the infected country, and a piece of paper stating the symptoms of H1N1.

Well, no wonder the cases keep increasing everyday. The world will end soon. Human is committing suicide and they are the greatest destroyer of all.

I quarantine myself at home for a week.

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