Thursday, June 18, 2009

Science Camp

Today was a scorching sizzling flesh-tearing hot day.

I woke up at 5.30am, extremely reluctant. After waking myself in the toilet, I went to my office and reached there by 6.10am. When all my team members had assembled, we departed to the Science Camp. It was all the way in Matang, and to avoid the traffic jam, I decided to use the toll.

We waited for about an hour after the registration process. As usual, when a Malaysian tells u that the starting time is 7.30am, please automatically be aware that the time would probably delay for half or one an hour. What more, when this function was organised by those humans who were lacking of oxygen in their brains, as the blockage was caused by a "thick external layer", get me?

During the cast slot session, I was lucky enough to get the 1st session. This was good as my team members would feel very fresh to get involved in the experiments early in the morning, rather than getting the late 2nd session. They were led to the station at 8.45am for 5 experiments, and the whole duration would be one and a half hour. As I'm only the escort, so I waited for them at a special room assigned. Nothing much to do, so I took their Science book and simply flipped through to kill my time.

They came back at 10.30am. The result will only be announced after the 2nd session has completed their task. So we visited other stations, such as the Solar cooker, Rocket Launching and Solar Car Racer, where all the other team members of ours were super busy in the midst of the competition. I dont feel good to stand under the sun at all, with all the profuse sweat, so I decided to go back to my own station after half an hour.

As I woke up too early in the morning, I started to feel very sleepy and dizzy. Unintentionally, I had fallen asleep on my chair for half an hour!! It was a nice nap anyway. Then it was time for lunch. Needless to say, the food was worst of all: fried chicken + sweet vegetarian curry + yellow ginger rice. I gotto swallow them as I was too hungry, and there was no option for other choices.

Finally, it was the prize giving ceremony, at 1.30pm. My team won the 4th place, which was a good try as this was the first year we joined the competition. After the photo taking session, we all had a mutual agreement that it was not wise to go back to the office so early :)
So........ we ended up eating rojak and ang tao peng to kill the time until 3.30pm. By the time we reached the office, it was 4pm, which was time to dismiss work!!!

Well, a fruitful day, i bet.

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