Wednesday, November 9, 2011

An Unfortunate Event during Faye Wong KL Concert

Something that you will never believe, but it did happen when I was watching Faye Wong Concert at Putra Indoor Stadium, Bukit Jalil Kuala Lumpur. I was really freaked out, so in the end I lodged a complaint to the event organiser.

This is my email:

Dear Running Into The Sun Organiser,

I would like to bring up a very critical matter regarding Faye Wong Concert in Kuala Lumpur. This is concerning the safety of the audiences. I was sitting at Uxxxx. The row of seat in front of me, which is Uxxxx (5 seats altogether), was highly damaged as in, the row of seat was not screwed into the ground at all. If someone sits on it unintentionally, the seat will definitely fall over to the front. As you know, it was very high up and steep, and could probably cause serious accident.

When the person in charge was informed, she only relocated those 5 audiences to other seats. Since I was sitting at the back, whenever there was people approaching the seat, and wanted to sit on it (they were very lost in finding their seats as there were too few ushers), I had to personally inform them one by one that the seat was broken! I told the person in charge to put a notice there, but no one took the action. This was really annoying & disturbing as I could not watch the concert properly. She also put that row of chair against the wall, which reduced our legrooms and this is extremely uncomfortable. Please refer to the picture which I attached.

I hope you could look into this matter. The venue should be fully adhered to the safety regulations, and properly checked before the event. I do not know who is the correct person to talk to, and I hope you are the right one.

Thank you.

This is the reply I received after 2 days:

Hi xxx,

Thank you for your email and feedback about the seats.

We are definitely very concern on our end about audience safety too.

Unfortunately, Support from the stadium is very limited hence we have to react to possible situations that might occur, and in this situation, the damaged seats.

Ticketcharge and ourselves had prior discussions on the movements of patrons affected by damaged seats, but we truly apologise none of our staff from both ends, actually followed up and blocked up the damaged seats. We apologise you had to inform incoming patrons one by one, and we truly thank you for the feedback.

I will also inform ticketcharge on our end, so we can work on this better the text time to ensure the safety of the audience.

Once again, our apologies for any inconvenience caused, and appreciate your time taken to feedback us on this matter.


XXXX, Producer

Running Into The Sun

Tel: +65 62243188 . Fax: +65 62712144 .
Website :

213 Henderson Road

Henderson Industrial Park,

#01-10, Singapore 159553

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