Friday, April 1, 2011

What is it about April?

It's April. While people are busy talking about Fall/Winter collection, and guess what, the items which I ordered for Spring/Summer are still not in sight :( What a horrible truth! Is it so difficult for the store to have them in stock? This is extremely sickening. Pending and pending... Just never belong to me.

Any surprises for me this month? HY is flying to SG for business trip in 2 weeks time. How I wish to follow, and yes indeed I hate my tight schedule :( Nah I just need some shopping, come on, give me a break! Can he bring back something to me? Ohh I really wish...
It's alright, I always believe that, if it is meant to be mine, it will be mine. Lame? I bet.

Alright, off to bed. Wish to have a sparkling April. And so does everyone!

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