Wednesday, August 12, 2009

An Interview with a Bio-Chemist

An interview with WC, a cool Bio-Chemist, soon to be graduated from UTAR in October. The world needs her! :p

1. Why do u take up BioChemistry (Biochem)?

Actually I'm not clear on what this course is all about.
Just know that I dislike physiology and anatomy, so not going to enroll in Biomedical science.
Biotechnology is the hottest, seems the incoming market will be overloaded with biotechnologists.
So my last option is Biochemistry, and it's not a bad choice since i like chemistry.
I choose UTAR because they offer me full scholarship and drag me away from hell STPM.

2. After studying 4 years, what's your perception about Biochem?

Emm... at least I didn't feel regret.
According to the syllabus that UTAR offers (depend on uni).
It includes the metabolism in human body and plant as well.
I found that it's useful and it's a fundamental of applied sciences, cos every living things start from chemical reaction.
The best thing is, the syllabus is not fully on human body and I learned about plant chemistry as well.
It provides wider job scope.
You can be a biochemist in pathological lab or research lab.
The better option is to continue the master and PhD, so you got the professionalism to publish your findings or create your own product and make money, if you got the brain.

3. What's your unforgettable event in the Science Lab?

Final Year Project!
It is the most challenging thing i ever gone through.
It makes me realised that i'm still a uni student.
It's time to be independent.
Work out the experiment myself without any experience or guideline.
Actually depends on the supervisor you follow.
Problem solving , trouble shooting.
Face my stress.

4. What is your advice to those who are interested to take up Biochem?

You got to have interest and strong fundamental in Chemistry & Biology.
Can forget about Physics and Maths.
Good memory is a must.
Not fade up with the complicated chemical names, unfinished biochemical pathway in human and plants.
Cos you have to memorise all!

An inspiring example:

Break down of sugar
also known as glycolysis
start from polysaccharides--monosacharrides--glucose--glucose6phosphate--fructose6phosphate--fructose16bisphosphate--glyceraldehyde3phosphate--13bisphosphoglycerate--3phosphoglycerate--2phosphoglycerate--phosphoenolpyruvate--pyruvate--synthesis of ATP(energy)
(This pathway is only 40% still got long way to go)

This is how intake of glucose can give us energy.
each of the reaction is catalyzed by different enzyme
and the pathway is regulated by hormone like insulin, other metabolites and glucose concentration

After knowing the fundamental you have to relate it to pathological disorder
Such as diabetes,
Type? I or II
How it happen? Problem exists at which part of the pathway, depletion of which molecule? malfunction?
Why? due to Genetic factor or Diet?
how to detect? biochemical test of glucose level in plasma. how it conducted? references range? diagnosis? prognosis? treatment?

And the stories continue.............................

BBL Crystal - for bacteria identification through biochemical test assisted with database

Blood Culture Valve

As a conclusion, think twice before enrolling yourself into this field, if and only if u really have the interest.

♥♥♥ Thanks WC for sharing ^_^ ♥♥♥

♥♥♥ All the best to your money-earning process after graduating! ♥♥♥

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