Monday, August 10, 2009

Bad Mood

I got a very bad mood today.

Issue No.1

Dont think that it is your birthday, and u are the king of the day! Dont announce to the whole world how many cakes u have received, cos I dont fuck care. And most pathetic is, it's not from ur husband or boyfriend, cos u dont even have one. Dont talk loudly in the phone, as if people beside u didnt know that it was a call for birthday wish. For whatsoever reason, u simply boiled my blood today. WHY? Simple... 4 of my people went out without my permission, just to wait for the driver and get that birthday cake for u. Dont ever abuse my time for nonsense.

Issue No.2

"Close the door at the back, are u enjoying the haze?" I said.
"YES!" he replied.
"Ok, now u get out!" I yielded.

This was really pissing me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Issue No.3

Why on earth having lunch at a kopitiam without aircon, since the weather is unbearably hot and the haze is almost blurring my vision? I just dont understand.

Issue No.4

AIRASIA. Why is my ticket from KK to Kch increase drastically from RM83 to RM120??? If I have the choice, I will really book on MAS and fly back at 7.45pm instead, which only costs RM79. But no one will be accompanying me, since everyone will already fly back latest by 5pm. I will be so stupid to wait alone at the airport. What should I do? I havent make up my mind...


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