Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Barn Buddy on FB

The first time I clicked into this game was purely to kill my curiosity. Since I've seen so many posts in my FB regarding this game, so I just clicked into it for a peep.

Indeed, it's a boring game, just for the sake of planting, waiting to harvest and move on to the next level. If u are too free, simply click into your friend's garden and water the plants for them to earn extra credit. Or u can add bugs and weeds to delay the ripening hour. U can even steal their plants if u are greedy enough, which is what we are all doing.

I'm now waiting to harvest my chili and tomato...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

An Interview with a Bio-Chemist

An interview with WC, a cool Bio-Chemist, soon to be graduated from UTAR in October. The world needs her! :p

1. Why do u take up BioChemistry (Biochem)?

Actually I'm not clear on what this course is all about.
Just know that I dislike physiology and anatomy, so not going to enroll in Biomedical science.
Biotechnology is the hottest, seems the incoming market will be overloaded with biotechnologists.
So my last option is Biochemistry, and it's not a bad choice since i like chemistry.
I choose UTAR because they offer me full scholarship and drag me away from hell STPM.

2. After studying 4 years, what's your perception about Biochem?

Emm... at least I didn't feel regret.
According to the syllabus that UTAR offers (depend on uni).
It includes the metabolism in human body and plant as well.
I found that it's useful and it's a fundamental of applied sciences, cos every living things start from chemical reaction.
The best thing is, the syllabus is not fully on human body and I learned about plant chemistry as well.
It provides wider job scope.
You can be a biochemist in pathological lab or research lab.
The better option is to continue the master and PhD, so you got the professionalism to publish your findings or create your own product and make money, if you got the brain.

3. What's your unforgettable event in the Science Lab?

Final Year Project!
It is the most challenging thing i ever gone through.
It makes me realised that i'm still a uni student.
It's time to be independent.
Work out the experiment myself without any experience or guideline.
Actually depends on the supervisor you follow.
Problem solving , trouble shooting.
Face my stress.

4. What is your advice to those who are interested to take up Biochem?

You got to have interest and strong fundamental in Chemistry & Biology.
Can forget about Physics and Maths.
Good memory is a must.
Not fade up with the complicated chemical names, unfinished biochemical pathway in human and plants.
Cos you have to memorise all!

An inspiring example:

Break down of sugar
also known as glycolysis
start from polysaccharides--monosacharrides--glucose--glucose6phosphate--fructose6phosphate--fructose16bisphosphate--glyceraldehyde3phosphate--13bisphosphoglycerate--3phosphoglycerate--2phosphoglycerate--phosphoenolpyruvate--pyruvate--synthesis of ATP(energy)
(This pathway is only 40% still got long way to go)

This is how intake of glucose can give us energy.
each of the reaction is catalyzed by different enzyme
and the pathway is regulated by hormone like insulin, other metabolites and glucose concentration

After knowing the fundamental you have to relate it to pathological disorder
Such as diabetes,
Type? I or II
How it happen? Problem exists at which part of the pathway, depletion of which molecule? malfunction?
Why? due to Genetic factor or Diet?
how to detect? biochemical test of glucose level in plasma. how it conducted? references range? diagnosis? prognosis? treatment?

And the stories continue.............................

BBL Crystal - for bacteria identification through biochemical test assisted with database

Blood Culture Valve

As a conclusion, think twice before enrolling yourself into this field, if and only if u really have the interest.

♥♥♥ Thanks WC for sharing ^_^ ♥♥♥

♥♥♥ All the best to your money-earning process after graduating! ♥♥♥

Monday, August 10, 2009

Bad Mood

I got a very bad mood today.

Issue No.1

Dont think that it is your birthday, and u are the king of the day! Dont announce to the whole world how many cakes u have received, cos I dont fuck care. And most pathetic is, it's not from ur husband or boyfriend, cos u dont even have one. Dont talk loudly in the phone, as if people beside u didnt know that it was a call for birthday wish. For whatsoever reason, u simply boiled my blood today. WHY? Simple... 4 of my people went out without my permission, just to wait for the driver and get that birthday cake for u. Dont ever abuse my time for nonsense.

Issue No.2

"Close the door at the back, are u enjoying the haze?" I said.
"YES!" he replied.
"Ok, now u get out!" I yielded.

This was really pissing me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Issue No.3

Why on earth having lunch at a kopitiam without aircon, since the weather is unbearably hot and the haze is almost blurring my vision? I just dont understand.

Issue No.4

AIRASIA. Why is my ticket from KK to Kch increase drastically from RM83 to RM120??? If I have the choice, I will really book on MAS and fly back at 7.45pm instead, which only costs RM79. But no one will be accompanying me, since everyone will already fly back latest by 5pm. I will be so stupid to wait alone at the airport. What should I do? I havent make up my mind...


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Louis Vuitton Damier Canvas Sistina

A moment which causes my heartbeat to increase unintentionally and uncontrollably. This is my reflex action everytime I see a new launched products of Louis Vuitton. I just simply love it, without any reasons.

This August, Louis Vuitton Damier Canvas Sistina, another symbolic shoulder bag for gorgeous women out there. The urge for me to grab one is definitely there. However, since I've promised HY that I would be looking into Chanel, sad to say that I have to drop the idea of LV, at least for the next 6 months.

The bag comes in 3 sizes - PM, MM and GM. A perfect buddy for different occasions. Too bad we have bought Highbury for mum in June, else Sistina would be a better choice.

Gorgeous Sistina

New series of Monogram Travel Trunk

No wonder I cant help falling in love with Louis Vuitton......

Friday, August 7, 2009

Something I hate about August

What I hate about August:

1. Haze & heat
Needless to say, the story repeats every year when it reaches August - unbearable haze & blazing heat. It's not raining for more than one week. I have forgotten the look of blue sky. The temperature outside could easily shoot up to more than 35 degree celcius. All the aircons dont seem to be working, cos the weather is simply too hot. I felt super dizzy and sleepy at all time. Not in the mood to work.

2. Kuching Festival
Again, this is a routine every year. Food stalls were set up at Dewan Masyarakat, selling food at exceptional high price. Exhibition is held in the hall, or at the back of the food stalls. It is indeed a difficult task to squeeze close to those stalls to buy the food we want, and after that fighting hard for a seat. Most interesting part is, u would probably eating the food + haze + sweat + H1N1 virus. Nothing new, nothing attractive, but everyone is still rushing there, despite the killing weather. I used to like it few years back, but it's simply not my cup of tea now.

3. Dewan Parliment
In conjunction with the opening ceremony of the so-called Dewan Parliment, which costs dono how many billions of our blood sweat money, all the VVVIPs were rushing to Kuching, including Ag*ng and his wife, who was busy carrying different Chanels for different occasions. She should thank us cordially cos the money she spent in her Chanels was from our tax. Most of the roads were blocked, so that they can pass by without any hassle. And we were the one who suffered. Not to forget, the Fireworks to please everyone. If u want to watch it, just go to the Waterfront and squeeze together with those "Lacking-Braincell" species.

4. H1N1
Should I still call this disease as H1N1? I bet it has mutated, perhaps H2N3? The number of fatal has reached 13 in Malaysia, all locally infected. Airlines are busy throwing the tickets, selling at super rock-bottom cheap price. FLY IF U DARE! If nothing is done, maybe this is the end of the world. Many people are sick in my office. I dont know how to protect myself except eating 1000mg Vitamin C, observing self-cleanliness and avoiding crowds.