Monday, March 8, 2010

Australia - Day1 *Reunion*

Day 1, 23 Dec 09

I landed in Brisbane around 10am. The airport was filled with Christmas Atmosphere, as many people were anxiously welcoming back their family members with colourful banners, flowers & balloons. Perhaps I should do this when HY arrive in the afternoon!

RY picked me at the airport. After a hot shower and lunch, I wanted to get a good nap before picking up HY BUT..................... I got the same sickness as the previous time I went to Aus in June. This time, I was smarter. Once I sensed that something very wrong was going on with my stomach, I went to the toilet and threw everything out by digging the throat. I know it sounds absurd for doing so, but I won't keep those undigested food in my stomach & dragging me like hell for one whole night. Perhaps I could even probably be seeing the doctor again on the next day if I didn't vomit them out. This would definitely spoil my trip. When it was done, I took a Zoton pil. After 2 hours, I was feeling a lot better.

We went to pick HY and few other friends at 6pm. It was indeed very excited when I saw HY at the arrival hall :) After that, we went to Woolsworth for buying groceries before heading home. I only ate something light for the dinner, my favourite Breaka milk & biscuits. We also discussed about our trip to Sunshine Coast for the next day.

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