Monday, May 9, 2011

What a day!

I reached the company at 7.30am, saw a slip on my table, which already boiled my blood early in the morning. One of the colleague was "SICK", again, as usual, and I gotto clean up her leftover task. Why don't u just resign and continue resting at home?

Today, the electricity provider really pissed me off. The electric kept tripping off, on, off, on and off... how am I suppose to work? My pc shut down, reboot, shut down, and reboot. The aircon and light were on, off, on, off... Come on man, give me a break!!

I planned to go for breakfast at 10.40am, after the company photo taking session. It was scheduled at 10.10am initially. And guess what, we were all roasted in the non-air ventilation "studio" from 10.10am to 10.50am as there was no electricity. The flash light was not working, and the photographer couldn't shoot any shit. I was extremely HOT until I don't wish to talk about anything. You couldn't imagine my sweat.........

Alright, there goes my breakfast, so I gotto wait til 12.30pm to go out again for lunch. With my hungry and grumbling stomach, and "luckily" today my friend EM, saved me with the egg sandwich she made. The quick lunch at hawker stall, at this kind of weather, was more than enough to kill me, where word could not describe the situation I was facing.

Finally, I wanted to resume my work at 2.30pm, and guess wat? NO ELECTRIC AGAIN. This time was a long one, until 4pm, which was the time I should pack and leave. One and half hour....... can u imagine??? The hotness...

I was driving back home. When I reached the junction near my home, how come all the traffic lights weren't working? Oh great... NO ELECTRIC AGAIN. The electric was gone just when I drove my car into the carporch. I was then roasted for another 40 min at home.

What could be worse?


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